Orsimer Heavy – Chest – VR

Female, Front Female, Side Male, Front

General Information

Orsimer Heavy is the only heavy armor set to feature a ‘boob window’. This is not to my personal tastes, as ‘boob window’ armor is a bit of a pet peeve. However, boob-window aside, one has to concede that there are some pretty interesting features to the set besides the exposed chest – besides, it’s great to at least have the option, for those who want it.

What are the components?
This set appears to be plate armor with no gambeson beneath, a leather girdle, high neck, and chain mail arms. There are some interesting weathering details on the plate portions of the armor, and the girdle has some buckles on it. There’s also buckles connecting the gorget to the chest plate and arms. In addition, there appears to be an emblem of either Malacath or simply an Orsimer face between the breasts. Please note: The male version of this armor is significantly different from the female version, because male orcs apparently do not warrant boob-windows.

Considerations when dyeing
As far as dyeing goes, everything dyes appropriately, but the weathering on the plate can dull up the plate portions somewhat. There’s nothing which does not dye.

What dyes where?
The primary dye colors the primary plate and the arms; it’s a bit odd, because the plate is weathered, but the arms are fully saturated. The secondary dye colors the trim, and the tertiary dye colors the leather girdle.

Primary Dye: Orichalc Green
Secondary Dye: Obsidian Black
Tertiary Dye: Maormer Eyes Grey
Primary Dye: Pact Conqueror Red
Secondary Dye: Telvanni Brown
Tertiary Dye: Brewer’s Ale Brown
Primary Dye: Automaton Bronze
Secondary Dye: Motif Master Brown
Tertiary Dye: Bandit Brown

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