Female, Front Female, Side Male, Front

General Information

This information only applies after 1.6!

The fourth and final tier of the Redguard light armor set looks impressive; it follows the same theme as the medium and the heavy, and combines layering and beautiful detail-work with practical protective capability. I am a big fan, personally, but I know I will miss the unique style of the previous version of Redguard light armor. We’ll see what happens in the coming months – perhaps Zenimax will find ways to integrate the old appearance with better textures?

What are the components?
This design appears to be a long-sleeved dress with wrapped fore-arms and a two-tiered skirt; the center of the base skirt layer is plain, and the outside and back contain shapes. Atop the chest there are layers of padded armor and leather, which are buckled front to back beneath the armpit. A long tongue of fabric extends down the front to be at the front of the skirt, and this fabric has a six-pronged design at the tip, stitched on in metal.

Considerations when dyeing
This armor dyes well, but I would recommend choosing a color that highlights the embroidered textures – much like the armor before it! The overall balance of the three colors is pretty good, but it doesn’t seem to dye as easily as the previous tier. Still, this is an impressive and beautiful chestpiece anyone should be happoy to have the opportunity to work with.

What dyes where?
The primary dye colors the bottom layer which makes up most of the dress; the secondary dye colors the trim and buckles, and the tertiary dye colors the bottom of the hem, the sash, and the collar layers at the top extending down the midsection.

Primary Dye: Coldharbour Ash Black
Secondary Dye: Craftmaster Gold
Tertiary Dye: Coldharbour Ash Black
Primary Dye: Covenant Conqeuror Blue
Secondary Dye: Motif Master Brown
Tertiary Dye: Atmoran Bronze
Primary Dye: Dibella’s Blush
Secondary Dye: Hyacinth Pink
Tertiary Dye: Varla White

Redguard Light – Chest – VR

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