Female, Front Female, Side Male, Front

General Information

This information only applies after 1.6!

The second rank of Redguard heavy armor looks much more reasonable than the first; elegant, but still flexible, this set implies a strong reliance on mobility, and possibly mounted combat, as the lower section of the torso is less protected.

What are the components?
Redguard heavy steel armor has the same features as iron, in that it consists of segmented plate layers held together with rivets, the edges beveled. This tier also features some engraving, and another layer lower down the torso to cover up more of the squishy insides. Additionally, below the plate, we now have a layer of chainmail – a chain shirt fastened together in the center. Down the arms, we’re now also seeing some stitched and reinforced leather.

Considerations when dyeing
This piece dyes well, with good balance throughout. There is no portion which does not dye appropriately, though the third dye colors the leather bits on this piece, and as such can be a bit muddy.

What dyes where?
The primary dye colors the majority of the metal plate and the chain mail; the secondary dye colors the trim and beveled edges, and the tertiary dye colors the sleeves, the center line tying the chain together, and the loin flaps.

Primary Dye: Jute Green
Secondary Dye: Automaton Bronze
Tertiary Dye: Dragonthorn Yellow
Primary Dye: Volunteer’s Iron
Secondary Dye: Shein Violet
Tertiary Dye: Dried Blood Brown
Primary Dye: Pact Blood Red
Secondary Dye: Ayleid Gold
Tertiary Dye: Nirncrux Red

Redguard Heavy – Chest – Steel

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