Female, Front Female, Side Male, Front

General Information
The argonian heavy armor is one of the more unique patterns for heavy armor. If you’re going for this kind of look, then it’s pretty much perfect – but this is a fairly specific niche. Still, it dyes well, and its not bad looking.What are the components?

What are the components?
This armor appears to consist of hardened leather set in scales as an undershirt, with a primary pattern of geographical shapes – very Aztec in feel! This is also one of the very few heavy armor sets – alongside Primal – that does not appear to feature any metal.

Considerations when dyeing
There are several things about this armor that make it a bit tricky; first and foremost, that blasted orange circle with red beads in the center and beads in the collar. This is… challenging to work around. Orange doesn’t exactly mesh well with most things. Additionally, the primary leather doesn’t take on light-colored bright hues well – your whites are going to look muddy. Heavily saturated colors, on the other hand, look fantastic.

What dyes where?
The primary dye slot goes to the primary pattern color; secondary is the accent, and tertiary is the sleeves and shirt beneath the pattern. The tertiary color does not touch the hip pauldrons or crotch-flap at all.

Primary Dye: Motif Master Brown
Secondary Dye: Woodsman Green
Tertiary Dye: Nightshade Purple
Primary Dye: Hunter Green
Secondary Dye: Wyrd Tree Green
Tertiary Dye: Woodsman Green
Primary Dye: Superior Blue
Secondary Dye: Brewer’s Ale Brown
Tertiary Dye: Atmoran Bronze

Argonian Heavy – Chest – VR

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